In analyzing whether the accused songs were substantially similar to the sampled songs for copyright infringement purposes, Judge Nathan applied the "fragmented literal similarity" test under which the Court examines whether there is "'localized' rather than 'global' similarity between the two pieces." Applying this test, the Court noted that "'the question of substantial similarity is determined by an analysis of "whether the copying goes to trivial or substantial elements' of the original work.'" Further, Judge Nathan wrote that the "real question" at the motion to dismiss "stage -- more so than the question of how to label the relevant test -- is whether (as to each sample) Plaintiff has plausibly alleged that the sample is quantitatively and qualitatively important to the original work such that the fragment similarity becomes sufficiently substantial for the use to become an infringement."
Judge Nathan then analyzed each of the five samplings. The Court found fact questions as to whether two of the samples were quantitatively and qualitatively significant enough to support an infringement claim, that one of the samples was not copyrightable since it consisted merely of a common sound effect for a falling object, and that three of the samples were not significant enough as a matter of law to constitute copyright infringement.
Finally, the Court considered the defendants' argument to limit damages by applying the injury rather than discovery rule to the accrual of damages under 17 U.S.C. § 507. Judge Nathan noted the split in the district as to which rule applies but found the majority adopting the injury rule, and likewise adopted that rule.