A blog about patent, copyright and trademark law in the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of New York

Court Grants Stay of Patent Infringement Action Pending Covered Business Method Review in the USPTO

In an April 1, 2014 ruling, Judge Katherine B. Forrest stayed a patent infringement action pending the USPTO’s decision on the defendant’s petition for a Covered Business Method review, and the outcome of the review. The Court was “persuaded by the undisputed evidence presented by [the defendant] of the high likelihood that both the Patent Trial and Appeal Board will grant the Covered Business Method review, and that such CBM review will result in the cancellation or amendment of at least one claim of” the patent-in-suit. Judge Forrest noted that it “is not this Court’s typical practice or inclination to grant stays,” but found that the four factors for granting a stay set out in the America Invents Act weigh in favor of a stay in light of the likelihood that the CBM review will result in amendment of the patent and the early stage of the proceeding.
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