for the Southern District of New York
Court Declines to Dismiss Patent Infringement Claim on Grounds of Laches and Equitable Estoppel

13 Civ. 6559
Equitable Estoppel
Judge Castel
Patent Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Denies Reconsideration of Copyright Infringement Summary Judgment Ruling

Even if a substantial similarity analysis is still required when actual direct copying is already established, that would not affect Defendants' liability because the Court went on to engage in this analysis. As Defendants acknowledge, the Court compared the images on the website to the copyrighted photographs and determined that "the images on the masthead are substantially similar because they are exact copies."Judge Keenan rejected defendants' argued that one of the photographs at issue was not substantially similar because it was "flipped" in orientation, noting that this "new argument is belied by their concession that the image was actually copied from the photograph registered with on of Plaintiffs' copyrighted albums."
Court Declines to Compel Answers to Contention Interrogatories Early in Patent Infringement Action

There is no special "patent rule" that provides for contention interrogatories at the outset of a case. There are, however, significant alternative means for the parties to obtain additional particularity regarding allegations: this Court's Individual Rules provide for the virtually immediate disclosure of plaintiff's infringement contentions, followed by a document production, followed by disclosure of any invalidity contentions, followed (again) by a document production. And so on. The Local Patent Rules provide similarly.
Court Awards Statutory Copyright Infringement Damages of $750 Per Infringement

11 Civ. 5052
Copyright Infringement
Judge Engelmayer
Statutory Damages
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Denies Stay of Permanent Injunction Pending Appeal

ABN's position is premised on the erroneous assumption that the Court should or intended to provide the time it viewed as necessary to complete an ordinary transition [from the infringing software]. That was not the Court's intent. How and what ABN chooses to do during the transition period is up to ABN -- the Court's view is that the one year period [before the effective date of the injunction] provides sufficient and reasonable time for ABN to "get off" BankTrade. Whether ABN starts a transition to using another system or outsources its trade finance business entirely is up to ABN. The Court does not have a view as to what business decisions ABN will make over the next year. It has but one requirement: ABN shall stop using BankTrade by the expiration of that period.
Court Dismisses Contributory Patent Infringement Claim, But Declines to Dismiss Induced and Willful Infringement Claims

Court Awards Statutory Copyright Infringement Damages of $3,000 Per Infringement

13 Civ. 7871
Attorneys' Fees
Copyright Infringement
Judge Francis
Statutory Damages
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Fee Application under Copyright Act for Frivolous Appeal Must Be Directed to Appellate Court

11 Civ. 1416
Attorneys' Fees
Copyright Infringement
Judge Oetken
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Grants Permanent Injunction Against Continued Copyright Infringement of Software

[I]f this Court were to find that a license for an important piece of software may not be revoked -- or, put otherwise, must be renewed -- on terms the licensee considers reasonable, the Court would be flooded with requests to assume licensing responsibilities it is ill-equipped to assume. This undue burden is not in the public interest in light of its already busy dockets. To be sure, there are instances in which courts impose licensing terms -- when judicial fact-finding has determined a particular and unusual need. . . . Courts should not wade into such deep waters casually.The Court gave ABN Amro one year to transition from the software at issue, and wrote that the Court would consider a "stay on condition that the parties both agree to move with all available speed to perfect and argue any appeals (e.g., no delays or extensions of deadlines)."
Court Dismisses Plaintiffs’ Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and Copyright Infringement Claims

Court Declines to Dismiss Lanham Act Claim Based on Misleading ISBN

The allegations in the Amended Complaint provide specificity as to how defendants are alleged to have mislead purchasers of foreign editions of publications. In short, plaintiffs assert that defendant has used the International Standard Book Number (“ISBN”) for English language editions of publications, as well as images of the covers of English language editions, in a manner that conveys a “net impression” that the buyer will receive an English language edition of the publication. Defendants I fact sell foreign editions. Because foreign editions may have different content and publication quality, plaintiffs are concerned that sales of one masquerading as the other will result in harm to their goodwill and reputation. The Lanham Act prohibits actions which deceive consumers and impair a producer’s goodwill.The Court rejected the contention that the ISBN is not a trademark, noting first that plaintiffs’ claim is for false description and finding that it “is plausible that a unique mark associated with a good – such as an ISBN number – would represent or describe origin.”
08 Civ. 6152
Copyright Infringement
Judge Forrest
Lanham Act
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Declines to Dismiss Trademark Infringement Claim, But Dismisses Cybersquatting Claim

the allegations in the Complaint regarding the defendants’ use of the domain name simply show another aspect of the alleged trademark infringement, rather than an attempt to profit specifically from “squatting” on the domain name with bad faith. These allegations do not suggest that defendants “perpetrated the core activities that threaten to result in the paradigmatic harm that the ACPA was enacted to eradicate,” that is, “the proliferation of cybersquatting – the Internet version of a land grab.”
13 Civ. 1147
Judge Koetl
Trademark Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Again Rejects Plaintiff’s Copyright Infringement Claim as De Minimus

Here, [the defendant’s] site contains a great deal of substantive content and is comprised of a large number of distinct pages, many of which contain editorial content. Two of the three inclusions of plaintiff’s copyrighted material are in the context of plaintiff as a contributor – plaintiff is not pictured nor mentioned in connection with substantive editorial content. The final inclusion of plaintiff’s copyrighted content is included as a rotating thumbnail image on the site’s landing page. Here, plaintiff’s photograph is again unaffiliated with editorial content. This, combined with the fact that plaintiff’s copyrighted content was on the site for only three weeks – a short period of time in the life of a website – illustrates that the copyright violation here is de minimus.The Court rejected the plaintiff’s Lanham Act claim, finding no allegations of any cognizable injury.
Court Dismissed Patent and Trademark Infringement Claims on Exhaustion and First Sale Grounds

The Court dismissed the plaintiff’s trademark-related claims on analogous grounds of the “first sale doctrine.” Judge Engelmayer wrote that there can be no trademark infringement if genuine goods are at issue even if those goods are sold in violation of contractual restrictions.
In a follow up May 7, 2014 ruling, Judge Engelmayer declined to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over the remaining state law claims, and dismissed the entire action.
Court Dismisses Copyright Declaratory Judgment Action Finding No “Actual Controversy”

13 Civ. 8280
Case or Controversy
Declaratory Judgment
Judge Caproni
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Awards Statutory Copyright Infringement Damages after a Default

The Court also awarded attorneys’ fees and costs. While approving the hourly rate of a partner with 20 years copyright experience of $525, Judge Cott reduced the requested associate’s rate from $400 to $300, writing that there was “no detail” about the lawyer’s specialization or experience in copyright litigation.
13 Civ. 5467
Copyright Infringement
Judge Cott
Statutory Damages
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Declines to Dismiss Trademark Infringement Declaratory Judgment Action on Subject Matter Jurisdiction Grounds

Here, the Complaint and its annexed exhibits allege the existence of adverse legal interest between the parties, with sufficient immediacy to allege a case of actual controversy under the Declaratory Judgment Act. First, Eveready’s own statements in its cease-and-desist letter and its public filing with the USPTO establish ‘adverse legal interests’ under the Declaratory Judgment Act. . . . While stopping short of using the words “infringement” and “dilution,” Eveready has, in sum and substance, asserted that the proposed Gelmart mark is infringing and dilutive. . . .Judge Castel rejected Eveready’s contention that the action was not ripe because Gelmart was not yet in the market, finding it “sufficient that Gelmart has alleged that it solicited retailers, designed branding materials, is capable of commencing manufacture of products within weeks, and was ‘poised’ to commence a product launch before Eveready asserted infringement.
Court Declines to Stay Enforcement of Patent Infringement Judgment Pending Patent Office Reexamination

Noting that courts have discretion stay proceedings during Patent Office proceedings, Judge Conti found that all three factors that usually inform the stay decision weigh in favor of denying the stay, particularly given the lateness of the request and the advanced state of the lawsuit. Although Judge Conti recognized that there is some risk the judgment could become final and the patent-in-suit would later be invalidated (which does not permit reopening the judgment), he found the concerns premature, and wrote that “the Court would be willing to reconsider its decision to stay” if the Patent Office renders a final decision on validity while the appeal is still pending.
The Court also treated the defendants’ motion in the alternative as a request for a stay pending appeal without the posting of a supersedeas bond. Judge Conti again ruled that the pertinent factors weigh against entry of such a stay, and denied the motion.
Court Remands Action Where Complaint Does Not Expressly Mention Copyright Violation

Here, Plaintiff neither explicitly nor necessarily relies on federal law. Instead, the Summons merely alleges “wrongful conversion” of “intellectual property.” . . . While the action may arise under the Copyright Act, the Summons does not provide the facts necessary to draw that conclusion.
14 Civ. 427
Copyright Infringement
Judge Crotty
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Denies Summary Judgment of Invalidity Based on Indefiniteness after Having Denied Summary Judgment on Non-Infringement

it would be unusual if a claim that can be construed definitely could suddenly become indefinite because an accused product came close to infringing but left the possibility of its noninfringement. A party should not be able to invalidate another’s patent solely by coming close enough to infringing that a Court cannot determine infringement, a question of fact, as a matter of law on a motion for summary judgment.
13 Civ. 2027
Judge Rakoff
Patent Infringement
Summary Judgment
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Rules That Only a Single Award of Statutory Damages Is Allowed to Separate Owners of Musical Composition and Sound Recording

07 Civ. 9931
Copyright Infringement
Judge Pauley
Statutory Damages
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Permits Withdrawal of Deemed Admitted Responses to Requests for Admission

Here, there is no question that permitting withdrawal and amendment of the deemed admissions would “promote the presentation of the merits of the action,” Fed. R. Civ. P. 36(b), as the deemed admissions go to the “ultimate issues” in this litigation and may well be dispositive of the action. . . . In particular, defendants are deemed to have admitted that the Accused Products are “counterfeit” and infringe plaintiffs’ trademarks and copyright, that defendants knew of this when selling them, and that any of defendants’ rights with respect to its Isis Cross Design were abandoned. No meaningful “presentation of the merits” of this action concerning infringement of intellectual property rights would be possible unless these admission are withdrawn and amended by the [deemed admitted responses].Judge Cote rejected the plaintiffs’ claims of prejudice, noting that “plaintiffs requested so many admissions of ultimate liability in this case, despite knowing defendants had denied these requested admissions in their answers, underscores that plaintiffs’ RFAs were largely made “in the hope that [defendants] w[ould] simply concede essential elements” or would miss the 30-day deadline to respond.”
Court Enters Default Judgment and Awards Maximum Statutory Damages in Copyright Infringement Action

13 Civ. 1181
Copyright Infringement
Default Judgment
Judge Oetken
Statutory Damages
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Adopts Magistrate’s Report and Recommendation of Statutory Damages and Attorneys’ Fees after Default in Trademark Infringement Action

12 Civ. 9190
Attorneys’ Fees
Judge Daniels
Statutory Damages
Trademark Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Grants Stay of Patent Infringement Action Pending Covered Business Method Review in the USPTO

13 Civ. 7766
Covered Business Method Review
Judge Forrest
Patent Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Dismisses Copyright Complaint as Inadequately Plead Because It Does Not Identify All Infringed Works

Second, the Court found that “the complaint also fails to properly allege the infringing acts committed by Scholastic.” Specifically, although the complaint alleges that “books published by Scholastic . . . contain unauthorized photographs,” “these acts are not sufficient because Palmer Kane does not specify the timeframe during which Scholastic committed the infringement.”
12 Civ. 3890
Copyright Infringement
Judge Griesa
Motion to Dismiss
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Finds That an Ebook of a Translated Work Is Not a New Derivative Work

All of the forms of “works” listed in the statutory definition of “derivative work” reference changes and alterations in the content for the pre-existing work, or changes and alterations in both the content and the medium of that work. None of the listed forms describes a change in medium alone. A “translation,” for example, requires the selection of new words, phrases, and idioms that are not part of the original work. A “musical arrangement” involves the exercise of artistic judgment concerning, inter alia, composition, rhythm, and lyrics. A “dramatization” or “fictionalization” involves the introduction of fictional elements to an existing story. A “motion picture version” of a book or play involves elements of production, direction and acting, as well as innumerable artistic judgments about how much of the original work will be used. A “sound recording” of a musical performance or other live event will likewise involve innumerable production and editing determinations. An “art reproduction” typically involves taking an image, sculpture, or other work of art and introduction new colors, shadowing, or otherwise recomposing the original work. A “condensation” or “abridgement” of a literary work is, by definition, a presentation of something less than the original work. Accordingly, the terms “recast, transformed, or adapted” [in the definition of a derivative work] must similarly be read to refer to content-based changes. . . . Had Congress wished to afford derivative work status to works involving changes in medium alone, one would expect to see references to, for example, “hardcover,” “softcover,” “VHS,” and “CD.”
The Court also rejected the defendants’ argument that the ebook was itself an “original work,” finding that the process of creating the ebook “involves little more than pure transcription,” by inputting the work into software designed to create the ebook.
Court Finds Personal Jurisdiction in Copyright Infringement Action

Zoulef argued for jurisdiction over Na El under the provision in New York’s Long Arm statute conferring “personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant who commits a tortious act outside New York that causes injury to “person or property’ in New York, if the defendant ‘expects or should reasonably expect the act to have consequences in [New York] and derives substantial revenue from interstate or international commerce.’” Na El conceded for purposes of argument that it committed a tortious act outside New York with consequences in the state, but contested whether it expected consequences here. Judge Carter rejected Na El’s contention, and ruled that “Na El’s allegedly tortious conduct created a foreseeable risk of having to defend its actions in a New York court.” In particular, the Court noted that Na El was aware of Zoulef’s activities in New York, making it “conceivable that Na El knew that Zelouf, a New York company had intellectual property rights in those designs.” Judge Carter also found that Na El made a conscious effort to serve the New York market by dealing directly with New York customers, and selling to Lito, which Na El knew to have national sales. In concluding that the Long Arm statute applies, the Court examined Na El’s sales, and found that both “numerically and as a percentage of total revenue, Na El ‘derives substantial revenue from interstate and international commerce.’”
13 Civ. 1788
Copyright Infringement
Judge Carter
Personal Jurisdiction
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Granted Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Copyright Infringement Claims
In a March 28, 2014 Decision and Order, Judge Laura Taylor Swain granted defendant John Wiley & Sons, Inc.’s motion to dismiss plaintiff Ellen Sinisi’s amended complaint concerning copyrights to numerous photographs, without prejudice to the renewal of certain claims.
"In order to state a claim for copyright infringement claims a plaintiff must 1) allege which specific original works are the subject of the copyright claim, 2) that plaintiff owns copyrights in those works, 3) that the copyrights have been registered in accordance with the statute, and 4) by what acts during what time the defendant infringed he copyright." The Court found that plaintiffs adequately pleaded copyright infringement as to each of the works specifically identified in the exhibits but found that their allegation that "[a] reasonable opportunity for further investigation and discovery will confirm that Defendan[t] also has infringed other copyrighted works created and owned by Plaintiffs" was insufficient to satisfy the first element of a claim for copyright infringement. Accordingly, defendant's motion was granted, without prejudice, as to any claims for photographs not identified in the exhibits. With respect to the adequately pleaded claims, the Court also found "that the lack of common questions of fact and law and the potential prejudice to [defendant] justify granting [defendant's] motion to sever those claims." Plaintiffs' declaratory relief claims were also dismissed by the Court, which noted that plaintiffs were unable to identify a "specific provision of the Copyright Act that confers the claimed rights on them" and to the extent the claims are premised on contract rights, plaintiffs failed to state that claim.
"In order to state a claim for copyright infringement claims a plaintiff must 1) allege which specific original works are the subject of the copyright claim, 2) that plaintiff owns copyrights in those works, 3) that the copyrights have been registered in accordance with the statute, and 4) by what acts during what time the defendant infringed he copyright." The Court found that plaintiffs adequately pleaded copyright infringement as to each of the works specifically identified in the exhibits but found that their allegation that "[a] reasonable opportunity for further investigation and discovery will confirm that Defendan[t] also has infringed other copyrighted works created and owned by Plaintiffs" was insufficient to satisfy the first element of a claim for copyright infringement. Accordingly, defendant's motion was granted, without prejudice, as to any claims for photographs not identified in the exhibits. With respect to the adequately pleaded claims, the Court also found "that the lack of common questions of fact and law and the potential prejudice to [defendant] justify granting [defendant's] motion to sever those claims." Plaintiffs' declaratory relief claims were also dismissed by the Court, which noted that plaintiffs were unable to identify a "specific provision of the Copyright Act that confers the claimed rights on them" and to the extent the claims are premised on contract rights, plaintiffs failed to state that claim.
Court Denies Protective Order to Nonparty Against Disclosure of Suppliers in Copyright Infringement Action

Judge Gorenstein noted that the identity of the suppliers could show that the defendants “‘have continued to purchase from known counterfeiters,’” which could tend to show willful infringement. Thus, the Court ruled that “the identity of Cahill’s suppliers and information concerning other titles purchased are relevant under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1), as these categories of information would bear upon whether or not defendants engaged in willful copyright infringement with respect to other books.” Judge Gorenstein rejected Cahill’s trade secret argument as well, writing “that defendants may designate these materials for the time being as ‘attorneys’ eyes only’ and for use only in this litigation. Plaintiffs will be under court order to so treat the information.” In light of that designation, the Court found that the “arguments made by Cahill are nothing more than ‘generalized and unsupported claims of harm that might result from disclosure’ to plaintiffs’ attorneys, which are insufficient for the moving party to meet its burden of showing good cause for a protective order.”
13 Civ. 816
Copyright Infringement
Judge Gorenstein
Protective Order
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Grants Summary Judgment Dismissing Design Patent Case

h was deficiently pleaded.
11 Civ. 4530
Design Patent
Judge Forrest
Summary Judgment
Posted by

Court Declines to Disqualify Counsel Under Lawyer-Witness Rule

09 Civ. 10182
Judge Stein
Patent Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Denies Summary Judgment on Copyright Infringement Claim Finding Factual Issues about Validity

Judge Smith wrote that under “‘the Copyright Act, a party seeking to establish infringement must prove: (1) ownership of a valid copyright; and (2) copying of constituent elements of the work that are original.’” The Court found that the plaintiff “is entitled to a rebuttable presumption of validity as regards the copyrights” for the plans at issue. The defendants argued, however, that the presumption could be rebutted by the evidence showing that the plaintiff copied the plans from another architect also involved on the project. After reviewing and finding “confusion in the record” about the similarity of the plaintiff’s plans and the plans he allegedly copied, the Court “concludes that there are genuine issues of material fact concerning the originality, and thus the validity, of Plaintiff’s copyrights, precluding a grant of partial summary judgment on Plaintiff’s claims of copyright infringement.”
Court Grants Summary Judgment Declaring the Word “Collective” to Be Descriptive in the Trademark at Issue

The word “collective,” as used by Collective is descriptive. “Collective” is defined in the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary as, inter alia, “denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole,” “formed by collecting: aggregated,” and “of, relating to, or being a group of individuals.” This is precisely the manner in which Collective uses the word; it is an advertising network that offers a collection or collective of advertising opportunities. It is the manner in which Collective uses the word in the Collective Marks themselves (“collective” followed by another word or words) and in its descriptions of those marks. The word “collective” thus literally describes “an immediate idea of the ingredients, qualities or characteristics” of Collective’s product.The Court also denied the plaintiff’s motion “to grant it summary judgment as to the strength of any trademark rights Collective may have in “collective” as a stand-alone mark,” finding disputed issues of material fact.
Court Denies Stay of Patent Infringement Damages Trial During Interlocutory Appeal

Judge McMahon first found that the moving defendant “has not offered me any reason to doubt the correctness of my previous rulings – at least one of which I described as ‘not even close.’” The Court then considered the remaining factors concerning a stay, i.e., whether: (1) the non-moving party will suffer any prejudice from a stay; (2) the party moving for the stay will be unduly burdened by the denial of a stay; (3) the interests of the Court in an expeditious resolution of the case will be served by a stay; (4) the interests of non-parties will be affected by a stay; and (5) there is any public interest in the grant or denial of a stay. Judge McMahon concluded that as “far as this Court is concerned, [the moving defendant] has failed to identify any basis for concluding that it has a ‘substantial possibility’ of prevailing on its interlocutory appeal, and the other relevant factors either weigh in favor of denying [the] motion or are neutral.”
10 Civ. 4119
Interlocutory Appeal
Judge McMahon
Patent Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

The Court Denied Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment Dismissing Defendant's Trademark Infringement Counterclaims

Plaintiff sought a declaratory judgment to establish "(1) non-infringement of the trademark for Twilight Woods, (2) that it had not engaged in unfair competition, (3) that it had not falsely designated the origin of its goods, (4) non-infringement of trade dress, and (5) that its activities did not constitute dilution of Summit's mark." Defendant is the producer and distributor of the motion picture "Twilight" and, while no evidence was presented that defendant's Twilight marks were strong in the field of personal care products, the Court found defendant's Twilight Motion Pictures marks to be very strong. Applying the summary judgment standard and viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to defendant, the Court denied plaintiff's request for declaratory judgment and did not dismiss any of defendant's claims of trademark infringement, trademark dilution, trade dress, and cancellation.
11 Civ. 1584
Declaratory Judgment
Judge Daniels
Trademark Infringement
Posted by

Court Dismisses Declaratory Judgment Counterclaims as Redundant

12 Civ. 4374
Copyright Infringement
Declaratory Judgment
Judge Carter
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Court Granted Defendant’s Motion In Limine and Plaintiff’s Motion To Amend The Complaint, and Denied Plaintiff’s Motion To Preclude Expert Testimony in Connection with Plaintiff’s Copyright Infringement Claims.

Defendants sought to exclude videos other than the allegedly infringing video at issue. In considering the motion in limine, court found that the plaintiff offered little more than the ostensibly infringing videos in support of its argument that the defendant’s conduct in this case was willful. The court reasoned that the jury, told only of the fact of these other alleged violations of the plaintiff’s rights, would be given no reliable means whatsoever to assess whether the defendant acted willfully in connection with the video at issue. Accordingly, defendant’s motion in limine to preclude the plaintiff from presenting evidence the alleging infringing videos at trial was granted.
12 Civ. 6065
Amended Complaint
Copyright Infringement
Expert Testimony
Judge Engelmayer
Posted by

Court Denied Fox News Network, LLC’s Motion To Dismiss Amended Complaint Alleging Copyright Infringement.

aint and in the video, this action should be dismissed pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6).
Fair use is an affirmative defense, and is, therefore, not appropriate for determination on a Rule 12(b)(6) motion unless the defense appears on the face of the complaint. “[F]air use is a mixed question of law and fact.” Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides that “the fair use of a copyrighted work . . . for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching . . . scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.” 17 U.S.C. § 107. The four factors identified by Congress as especially relevant in determining whether the use was fair are: (1) the purpose and character of the use; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; (4) the effect on the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. Thus, a fair use defense appears on the face of a complaint where the complaint contains unambiguous factual allegations sufficient to enable the district court to evaluate each of these four factors.
13 Civ. 4589
Copyright Infringement
Fair Use
Judge Torres
Motion to Dismiss
Posted by

Court Awards Plaintiff Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses Incurred As A Result Of Defendant’s Improper Cancellation of A Deposition.

The Court had previously found that defendants had failed to present an adequate excuse for why they did not appear at their deposition, and gave plaintiffs leave to file the instant application for expenses. In opposition to plaintiffs’ request, defendants argued “[t]he discovery disputes addressed in the Feb. 20 and Feb. 24 letters would have occurred even if Mr. Smyres had submitted to deposition [and thus] Mr. Smyres should not be assessed for the cost of litigation events that would have happened in any event.”
13 Civ. 816
Copyright Infringement
Discovery Sanctions
Judge Gorenstein
Posted by

Court Denies Withdrawal of Counsel on Eve of Trial

As to whether there is a satisfactory reason for withdrawal, counsel argued that his withdrawal was required because he had been discharged by his clients. Judge Aspen wrote that in the cases on which counsel relied for this argument, there had been irreconcilable or material differences between the lawyers and clients, and that counsel here did not contend there were any such differences. The Court ruled that such differences are not required in every case, but merely “examples of why it is often prudent to grant withdrawal unless there are compelling circumstances” not to do so. Judge Aspen found that the potential disruption to the trial from the belated withdrawal weighed conclusively in favor of denying the motion. Judge Aspen noted that the “case has a lengthy history of litigation, the complaint having been filed nearly five years ago,” and that the “trial date has already been postponed on two occasions.”
Court Transfers Copyright and Trademark Infringement Action to Kentucky

Ultimately, the Court concluded that the locus of operative facts is the Western District of Kentucky. Judge Nathan considered that the “scheme was executed in Kentucky,” whereas “the only alleged event that gives rise to the claims in this litigation that connect it to the Southern District of New York is the sale of some unspecified number of the infringing textbooks here.” The Court furthered discounted the sale of textbooks in New York because there were also sales nationwide.
Judge Nathan considered the remaining factors for considering a transfer, and giving due emphasis to the locus of operative facts, transferred the action to the Western District of Kentucky.
12 Civ. 7085
Copyright Infringement
Judge Nathan
Trademark Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

Defendant Who Wins Dismissal on Personal Jurisdiction Grounds Is Not a Prevailing Party Under the Lanham Act

Judge Gardephe disagreed with the Report and Recommendation’s conclusion that the defendants had waived their argument for fees under the Court inherent authority “because their briefs were ‘devoid of any citations to relevant case law’ and did not ‘advance any reasoned argument supporting such an award.’” Instead, the Court noted that the defendants “included their ‘inherent authority’ argument in the headings of their opening brief and addressed this claim in several paragraphs in their reply.” Judge Gardephe concluded that the defendants’ “moving papers are ‘devoid of any relevant citations’ or ‘reasoned argument’ on this point” but did “not hold that these deficiencies result in a waiver of the argument.” On the merits, though, the Court found that fees were not warranted under its inherent authority because “it cannot be said that Plaintiffs engaged in bad faith or vexatious conduct amounting to an abuse of the judicial proves.”
Court Dismisses Patent Infringement Action on the Ground of Laches

Judge Scheindlin noted that to “‘prevail on a defense of laches, a defendant must establish that (1) the plaintiff’s delay in filing a suit was “unreasonable and inexcusable,” and (2) the defendant suffered “material prejudice attributable to the delay.”’” The Court further wrote that in a patent case, the time period for laches does not begin to run until after the patent issues, and that a “delay of more than six years before bringing suit raises a presumption that such a delay was both unreasonable and prejudicial to the defendant.” The presumption shifts the burden to the plaintiff to submit evidence reasonably putting into dispute the reasonableness of the delay and the lack of any prejudice.
Court Awards Summary Judgment of Copyright Infringement Over Publication of E-Book

Judge Rice began the analysis by noting that to “maintain an action for copyright infringement, plaintiff must establish two elements: ‘(1) ownership of a valid copyright, and (2) copying of constituent elements of the work that are in the original.’” The Court further wrote that in this case “the parties dispute only the first element – that is, whether HarperCollins’ uncontested publication rights to Julie of the Wolves encompass the exclusive right to publish and license e-book versions of this work,” and concluded that copyright “infringement actions such as this ‘involving only the scope of the alleged infringer’s license present the court with a question that essentially is one of contract: whether the parties’ license agreement encompasses the [relevant] activities.’”
Judge Rice then engaged in a lengthy analysis of the contract between HarperCollins and the author under New York contract principles, and held that “by its language, the contract grants to HarperCollins the exclusive right to license electronic publications, a right which was infringed by Open Road in its unlicensed e-book publication of Julie of the Wolves.” The Court cautioned, however, that the case turned on “antiquated” language in a forty year old contract, so the holding in this case might have limited applicability.
Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Inequitable Conduct Counterclaim and to Strike Affirmative Defenses

As to the motion to strike, Judge Cote wrote that such motions are “‘not favored and will not be granted unless it appears to a certainty that plaintiffs would succeed despite any state of the facts which could be proved in support of the defense.’” The Court ruled that the defendant’s “affirmative defenses, while not artfully pled, raise core issues in the patent litigation,’” and denied the motion.
12 Civ. 9077
Inequitable Conduct
Judge Cote
Motion to Strike
Patent Infringement
Posted by
Richard Crisona

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12 Civ 5071
12 Civ. 3699
12 Civ. 3810
12 Civ. 4919
12 Civ. 5070
12 Civ. 5230
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13 Civ. 684
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